Xeon Phi computing servers

Xeon Phi computing servers

Service description


All CITIUS users can access this service, but it must be requested through the requests and problem reporting form.

User manual

Connection with ctws1

It is possible to work in the workstation physically or using SSH from the internal network. To connect use SSH, port 1301 and the CiTIUS credentials. To connect from other places or from the RAI network it is necessary to use the VPN or the SSH gateway.

  • ctws1.inv.usc.es -

There is documentation in /opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2013/Documentation/

Connection with ctphi3

To connect use SSH port 22 and the CITIUS credentials.

  • ctphi3.inv.usc.es -

Connection is only possible from inside the CITIUS network. To connect from other places or from the RAI network it is necessary to use the VPN or the SSH gateway.

BIOS parameters can be accesed using the command sudo syscfg. Manual for the command is below.
