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Maker Lab

Maker Lab

The Maker Lab is a common use space aimed at making tangible ideas that require creating and building physical objects, with the appropriate safety measures, using the tools and adapted workstations provided.

This space includes several fixed and mobile workbenches, various workshop tools (such as screwdrivers, pliers, files, saws…), electronic and hardware supplies (screws, nuts, cables, small electronic components, Arduinos…), specialized machinery (filament 3D printers, resin printers, and CNC milling machines) and the necessary protective equipment for their use.

Access Request

To gain access to the Maker Lab, it is necessary to submit an access request accepting the conditions, which include adherence to the coexistence rules of the space and the safety measures indicated for each activity.


Coexistence Rules

  1. It is necessary to join the Maker Lab Telegram group to facilitate coordination.
  2. Only authorized persons may access the space. Authorized persons can consult the complete list through the Nextcloud folder.
  3. Materials and facilities must be used following the safety rules and the guidelines linked on this wiki and the posters placed in the workspace.
  4. Tools and consumables have an assigned place that is properly labeled. After use, you must return them to their place.
  5. Tools are for exclusive use within Maker Lab facilities. If there is a good reason to take any tool out, it must be reported in the corresponding Telegram thread.
  6. If you find damaged materials, out-of-place items, or notice something missing, it must be reported in the corresponding Telegram thread, with photos if relevant.
  7. Work surfaces should be kept clear as much as possible. Maker Lab users can assign themselves a cubicle in the Project Cabinet (cabinet No. 3) to store their belongings.
  8. It is necessary to make a prior reservation of tools classified as specialized machinery (3D printers, CNC, etc.) using the reservation application.
  9. When the Virtual Stage is reserved, it will not be possible to use tools that emit noise or vibrations, and the description of the Virtual Stage reservation must be consulted in case there are any special requirements regarding it.
  10. If there is a significant revision of the coexistence rules, they must be accepted again. All interested parties will be notified in advance.

(Last update 15/02/2023)

Safety Rules

  1. The Maker Lab has protective eyewear, work clothes, and commonly used safety gloves, as well as hair protectors and disposable footwear.
  2. Regular users can request protective eyewear, work clothes, or individual safety gloves by submitting the following form. This material must be stored in the Safety Cabinet (under the screen) properly labeled.
  3. Tools must be used following the manufacturer's safety guidelines, the guidelines linked on this wiki, and the posters placed in the workspace.
  4. Tools classified as specialized machinery (3D printers, CNC, etc.) require specific training before they can be used, due to the complexity in their use and their safety rules. The list of authorized users for these tools can be consulted by all people with access through the Nextcloud folder.
  5. If there is a significant revision of the safety rules, they must be accepted again.

(Last update 15/02/2023)

Available Facilities and Materials


Electronic and Hardware Supplies

  • Microcontrollers (For inventory reasons, it is necessary to notify the use of these components in the Telegram group)
    • 3 Particle Boron LTE
    • 5 ELEGOO UNO R3
    • 2 Arduino UNO
    • 2 BQ Zum BT-328
    • 2 Raspberry Pi Zero W
    • 1 Raspberry Pi4 and case
    • 1 Particle PHOTON 2020
  • Sensors and actuators for Arduino and other microcontrollers
    • Various types of LEDs and lasers
    • Infrared
    • Buttons and joysticks
    • Ultrasonics
    • Speakers, microphones, and buzzers
    • Potentiometers/regulators
    • Temperature and humidity sensors
    • Light sensors
    • Motor drivers
    • Other sensors of various types
  • Servos:
    • Tower pro micro servo 9G SG90
    • Tower pro SG-5010
    • Other loose servos of different types
  • Prototype boards (protoboards)
  • Prototype wires with various types of DuPont connectors
  • Mini USB and micro USB cables
  • Keypad shield LCD displays and other types
  • NFC readers for Arduino
  • Desktop NFC readers (USB)
  • 7-segment displays
  • Various small electronic components (leds, resistors, capacitors, sensors, relays, diodes, transistors…)
  • Various screws
  • Ties

Specialized Machinery

To use the following specialized machinery, it is mandatory to undergo specific training for qualification, which must be requested through this form. Additionally, every time they are used, a prior reservation must be made in the reservation application.

More Information

People with access to the Maker Lab have a shared folder on Nextcloud with more information, including manuals, additional files, and a list of all people with access to the space.

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