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en:start [2019/04/29 12:24] jorge.suarezen:start [2023/03/24 10:10] (current) – [Authentication] maria.regueira.muniz
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 ====== Authentication ====== ====== Authentication ======
-Authentication using the CITIUS username and password is required to access the wiki. If you don't have an account or don't remember either the username or the password you can request them sending an email to [[mailto:citius.tic@usc.es|citius.tic@usc.es]]+Authentication using the CITIUS username and password is required to access the wiki. If you don't have an account or don't remember either the username or the password you can request them sending an email to [[mailto:citius.tic@usc.es|citius.tic@usc.es]] 
 ====== Terms of use ====== ====== Terms of use ======