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Responsible use of the Cloud

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Responsible use of the Cloud

The Cloud makes available to researchers a limited set of resources:

  • Primary storage: 6,5 TB.
  • Secondary storage1): 2 TB.
  • Processing power: 287 GHz.
  • RAM memory: 300 GB.
  • IP addresses: 100.

It is important to follow the next recommendations to make sure that the resources you don't need are available to other researchers.

When creating a new VM

  1. Choose a Compute offering suitable to your needs. For most web applications offering Cloud 2 will be enough. It can be modified later, so choose a conservative value and change it tomorrow if more is needed.
  2. Add only a Disk offering if additional storage space is needed. This can be done at any later moment so if in doubt don't add it now. Take into account that this storage appears like an additional disk and configuration in the operating system will be required.
  3. In Network choose an existing network, if possible, instead of creating a new one. You'll have to create a network when creating your first VM. Each network created consumes one ip address from the research network pool.

When destroying a VM

  1. VM are not really erased from servers when you destroy them, there is a “grace period” of a few hours during which the VM won't accept any other action.
  2. Networks are not eliminated automatically when there are no VM connected to them. This means that if you destroy the last VM of a network you should go to the Network tab and manually erase it.
  3. Additional storage disks of a VM are also not erased when the VM is destroyed. They must be manually erased in the Storage tab.

Para máquinas existentes

  1. Si tienes más de una red y no estás seguro de por qué, es recomendable que utilices una única red para dejar disponibles el mayor número de IPs posibles para que otros puedan utilizarlas. Debes añadir todas las máquinas a la misma red y establecerla como red por defecto. Luego eliminar la red o redes que quieras eliminar de las máquinas, y finalmente eliminar la red. Si aún siguiendo todos los pasos recibes un error borrando la red, consulta con los sysadmins.
  2. Si tienes asignado más de un disco de almacenamiento y no los estás usando, o tienes discos sin asignar en el apartado Storage, debes eliminarlos.
  3. Comprueba el Compute offering asignado a cada máquina. Si es demasiado alto (5 o más) asegúrate de que necesitas tanto procesamiento y memoria. Prueba a reducir el offering a uno inferior, si es posible. Para poder hacer esto, debes apagar antes la máquina.
Templates and ISO images