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Creation and updating of scientific profiles

Creation and updating of scientific profiles

Information on the creation of scientific profiles in ORCID, ResearcherID, Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar.


USC published a Guide to creating and completing an ORCID record, where it can be consulted the procedure for registering an account, adding publications and importing them from other networks such as Scopus, ResearcherID or Google Scholar.


Scopus allows searching the user profile by last name and ORCID code. Using the “Edit profile” function, you can search for articles to add to the profile or export the results, including the FECYT CVN format.


ResearchID allows the management of Web of Science research profiles. At the moment the management of the Web of Science profile is done with the tool Publons.

This tool allows the management of profile publication, profile export, citation tracking and peer review management.

Google Scholar

Google allows the creation of profiles as long as you have a Gmail address. You can add publications in the following menu:

Research Gate

Researh Gate is a researcher network that allows you to share your articles and has many other features. It is advisable to upload articles in preprint format so as not to conflict with the article sharing policies of the different publishers.

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