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en:centro:comision-formacion:start [2021/09/16 16:22] felix.diazen:centro:comision-formacion:start [2024/02/15 13:02] (current) maria.regueira.muniz
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 This entry presents the CiTIUS Training and Professional Development Committee, which has the following functions: This entry presents the CiTIUS Training and Professional Development Committee, which has the following functions:
-  * **Plan the training activity of CiTIUS**, including the biennial update of its Training Plan.+  * **Plan the training activity of CiTIUS**, including the biennial update of its Training Plan.  {{ :es:centro:comision-formacion:programaformacion_2024-2025.pdf |Training Plan 2024-2025}}
   * **Advise CiTIUS predoctoral research staff** in the development of their training and/or professional career.   * **Advise CiTIUS predoctoral research staff** in the development of their training and/or professional career.
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 Representatives of the personnel associated to CiTIUS: Representatives of the personnel associated to CiTIUS:
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-adscrito/diego-cabello-ferrer|Diego Cabello Ferrer]] (Coordinator) +  * [[https://citius.usc.es/team/persoal-adscrito/diego-cabello-ferrer|Diego Cabello Ferrer]] (Coordinator) 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-adscrito/maria-jose-carreira-nouche|María José Carreira Nouche]] +  * [[https://citius.usc.es/team/persoal-adscrito/maria-jose-carreira-nouche|María José Carreira Nouche]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-adscrito/francisco-fernandez-rivera|Francisco Fernández Rivera]]+  * [[https://citius.gal/team/tomas-fernandez-pena/|Tomás Fernández Pena]] 
 +Representantives of the postdoctoral personnel:  
 +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/marta-nunez-garcia/|Marta Núñez García]]
 Representantives of the predoctoral personnel:  Representantives of the predoctoral personnel: 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/investigadores-en-formacion/andrea-cascallar-fuentes|Andrea Cascallar Fuentes]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/cesar-diaz-parga//| César Díaz Parga]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/investigadores-en-formacion/david-chapela-campa|David Chapela de la Campa]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/francisco-javier-cardama-santiago/| Francisco Javier Cardama Santiago]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/investigadores-en-formacion/victor-gallego-fontenla|Victor Gallego Fontenla]]+  * [[https://citius.gal/team/pedro-gamallo-fernandez//| Pedro Gamallo Fernández]]
-Representatives of the Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit:   +Representatives of the Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit and Strategic planning and management support unit:   
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/diego-cougil-melendez|Diego Cougil]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/pilar-martinez-carou/|Pilar Martínez Carou]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/raluca-silvana-tomoni|Raluca Silvani]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/maria-regueira-muniz|María Regueira Muñiz]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/felix-diaz-hermida|Félix Díaz]]  +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/felix-diaz-hermida/|Félix Díaz Hermida]]  
 ==== Services ==== ==== Services ====
-The Training Commission will develop its services mainly on demand of the predoctoral research personnel (either individually or collectively).+The Training Commission will develop its services mainly **on demand of the predoctoral research personnel** (either individually or collectively).
-In addition, a biannual meeting will be held with the coordinator of the Committee and the representatives of the Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit, so that the predoctoral research staff can give their opinion and suggest changes or improvements.+In addition, **a biannual meeting** will be held with the coordinator of the Committee and the representatives of the Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit, so that the **predoctoral research staff can give their opinion and suggest changes or improvements**.
 By way of example, some of the services offered by the committee are presented below: By way of example, some of the services offered by the committee are presented below:
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   * //[future]// Establish **connections with graduates** who are in other centers to ask them questions about their career path.   * //[future]// Establish **connections with graduates** who are in other centers to ask them questions about their career path.
   * //[future]// Ask for advice on the management and development of **internships in companies**: there is the possibility of internships in companies instead of research centers.   * //[future]// Ask for advice on the management and development of **internships in companies**: there is the possibility of internships in companies instead of research centers.
-  * //[futuro]// Request a letter of **support/recommendation** from CiTIUS in order to submit applications to other centers.+  * //[future]// Request a letter of **support/recommendation** from CiTIUS in order to submit applications to other centers.
 \\ \\
-=== Divulgación e difusión === +=== Outreach and dissemination activities === 
-  * **Participar en actividades de divulgación e difusión**, xa sexan organizadas polo CiTIUS ou pola USC, como charlas en centros de secundaria ou visitas de centros educativos ao CiTIUS. +  * **Participate in dissemination and diffusion activities**, whether organized by CiTIUS or USC, such as talks in secondary schools or visits of educational centers to CiTIUS. 
-  * **Propoñer e/ou organizar actividades de divulgación e difusión**.+  * **Propose and/or organize outreach and dissemination activities**.
-==== Contacto ====+==== Contact ====
-Pódese contactar a través de [[citius.formacion@usc.es |dirección de correo]], xa sexa para realizar suxerencias sobre a organización de actividades formativas ou calquera outra consulta relacionada col desenvolvemento da actividade formativa no CiTIUS. +The following [[citius.formacion@usc.es |e-mail address]] could be use to make suggestions about the organization of training activities or any query related to the development of the training program at CiTIUS.
-Para asuntos xerais tamén se pode contactar persoalmente co seguinte persoal da Unidade de Xestión do Coñecemento e Transferencia+For general matters you can also contact personally with the following staff of the Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit and and Strategic planning and management support unit:
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/raluca-silvana-tomoni|Raluca Silvani]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/maria-regueira-muniz|María Regueira Muñiz]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/diego-cougil-melendez|Diego Cougil]] +  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/pilar-martinez-carou|Pilar Martínez Carou]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/felix-diaz-hermida|Félix Díaz]]+  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/felix-diaz-hermida|Félix Díaz Hermida]]   