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hipster:start [2014/02/22 12:25] pablo.rodriguez.mierhipster:start [2014/06/03 18:41] (actual) pablo.rodriguez.mier
Liña 18: Liña 18:
 This library is still under active development. The library will be moved to Github once a stable version has been reached. This library is still under active development. The library will be moved to Github once a stable version has been reached.
-Meanwhile, the API is subject to changes. The source code is available at: https://forxa.citius.usc.es/. +Meanwhile, the API is subject to changes. The source code is available at: [[http://goo.gl/CS0M6A | http://citiususc.github.io/hipster]]
-Javadocs are available at: (Note: Documentation may not be updated at the latest version)+Javadocs are available at: http://citiususc.github.io/hipster/documentation/javadoc/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (Note: Documentation may not be updated at the latest version)
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