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en:centro:servizos:proxy_web [2024/04/17 14:03] jorge.suarezen:centro:servizos:proxy_web [2024/04/17 14:06] (current) – [Registration in the service] jorge.suarez
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 Web redirections using a reverse proxy that allow access from outside the center to applications, in a test or production environment, that are installed on servers in the center's network, such as [[:centro:servizos:vps:start|in the VPS service]]. Web redirections using a reverse proxy that allow access from outside the center to applications, in a test or production environment, that are installed on servers in the center's network, such as [[:centro:servizos:vps:start|in the VPS service]].
-===== Registration in the service ===== 
 The service can be used by all users of the center by accessing [[https://redirections.citius.gal]]. Tickets are applied automatically in a few seconds, but are supervised by the center's technical staff. The service can be used by all users of the center by accessing [[https://redirections.citius.gal]]. Tickets are applied automatically in a few seconds, but are supervised by the center's technical staff.