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en:centro:servizos:cesga [2018/05/21 18:27] fernando.guillenen:centro:servizos:cesga [2023/02/01 17:21] (current) – [Services offered] fernando.guillen
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 ===== Services offered ===== ===== Services offered =====
-  * [[https://cesga.es/en/infraestructuras/computacion/FinisTerrae2|FinisTerrae 2]]. Supercomputer of Intel Haswell processors, with 306 "thin" nodes, 4 nodes with GPUs and 2 nodes with Xeon Phi. +  * [[https://cesga.es/en/infraestructuras/computacion/FinisTerrae3|FinisTerrae 3]]. Supercomputer of Intel Haswell processors, with 306 "thin" nodes, 4 nodes with GPUs and 2 nodes with Xeon Phi. 
-  * [[https://cesga.es/en/infraestructuras|More services]]+  * [[https://cesga.es/en/infraestructuras|Other services]] 
 +  * [[ https://cesga-docs.gitlab.io/ft3-user-guide/index.html| FinisTerrae 3 User Guide]]
 ===== Signing up ===== ===== Signing up =====
-1. Accede ó [[http://altausuarios.cesga.es/|formulario de altas]].+1. Access the [[https://altausuarios.cesga.es/user/ualta_english.php|"Request user account" form]].
-2. Cubre os teus datos de nome, apelidos, DNI, teléfono e área principal de investigación. Especifica tamén os seguintes datos+2. Fill in the form with your personal data and with the following  info
-  * Institución: //Universidade de Santiago de Compostela// +  * Institution: //Universidade de Santiago de Compostela// 
-  * Centro: //CITIUS// +  * Center: //CITIUS// 
-  * Departamento: //CITIUS// +  * Department: //CITIUS// 
-  * Responsable departamento/grupo: //Paulo Félix Lamas// +  * Name of the department/group responsible: //Senén Barro Ameneiro// 
-  * Dirección: //Rúa Jenaro de la Fuente s/n// +  * Address: //Rúa Jenaro de la Fuente s/n// 
-3. Le as condicións de uso e envía o formulario.+3. Read the ''conditions of use'' and send the form.
-4. Recibirás un primeiro correo electrónico cunha ligazón de confirmación. Debes premer nela.+4. You will receive an email with a confirmation link that you should follow
-5. Despois duns minutos, recibirás un segundo correo cun formulario en PDFDebes imprimilofirmalo e levalo á secretaría do CiTIUSA secretaría encargarase da firma do responsable e de envialo ó CESGA.+5. After a few minutes you will receive a second email with an attached pdf formYou should print itsign it and then bring it to the CITIUS secretaryThey will take care of the signing of the responsible person and of its delivery to the CESGA.
-6. Despois duns poucos díasrecibirás o teu usuario e contrasinalnormalmente por unha chamada de teléfono.+6. After a few daysyou will receive your credentialsusually by means of a telephone call.
-7. Ao tempo, recibirás un correo electrónico cunha carta de benvida que invita facer un primeiro inicio de sesión e completar un formulario de xeito obrigatorio+7. At the same time welcome email will be sent telling you to make your first log on in order to fill in a mandatory form.
-8. Tras enviar o formulario, recibirás un novo correo electrónico en poucas horas confirmando que conta está activa.+8. After sending this form in few hours you will receive an account activation confirmation email.
-9. Entra por SSH a ''ft2.cesga.es''Por exemplo: ''ssh usccixxx@ft2.cesga.es''Unha vez dentro, debes cambiar o contrasinal.+9. Log in ''ft3.cesga.es'' using SSHFor example: ''ssh usccixxx@ft3.cesga.es''Once logged in change your password.
-10. Unha vez cambiado o contrasinalxa podes logearte sen problemas no [[https://portalusuarios.cesga.es/|portal de usuarios]].+10. Once changedaccess to the [[https://portalusuarios.cesga.es/|user portal]] is allowed.