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en:centro:comunicacion:videos [2021/09/20 15:38] – created felix.diazen:centro:comunicacion:videos [2021/09/20 15:43] (current) felix.diaz
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 ===== Outreach and technology videos ===== ===== Outreach and technology videos =====
-CiTIUS promotes the production and/or edition of videos related to the activity of the center, both video demonstrators that serve as a presentation of a particular technology to potential partners (videodemonstrators), as well as informative videos aimed at the general public.  +CiTIUS promotes the production and/or edition of videos related to the activity of the center, both technology videos  that serve as a presentation of a particular technology to potential partners (video-demonstrators), as well as informative videos aimed at the general public.  
 **The video demonstrators** are published in the [[https://www.youtube.com/citiususc|Youtube]] channel of CiTIUS, as well as in the [[https://citius.usc.es/transferencia/demostradores-tecnoloxicos|Demonstrators section of the website]].  **The video demonstrators** are published in the [[https://www.youtube.com/citiususc|Youtube]] channel of CiTIUS, as well as in the [[https://citius.usc.es/transferencia/demostradores-tecnoloxicos|Demonstrators section of the website]].