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en:centro:comunicacion:presentacions [2023/04/13 16:27] maria.regueira.munizen:centro:comunicacion:presentacions [2024/03/19 11:30] (current) maria.regueira.muniz
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 ===== CiTIUS presentations ===== ===== CiTIUS presentations =====
-CiTIUS presentation that can be adapted to the needs.  +CiTIUS presentation that can be adapted to the needs. In addition, a slide for talent attraction is included.
-It is advisable to use a pdf compressor to generate reduced size versions:   +It is advisable to use a pdf compressor to generate reduced size versions: 
-Lnaguage ^ Download ^^ +Language ^ Download ^^ 
-English   | {{ :centro:comunicacion:citius_2023.pptx |}}  | +Galician | {{ :centro:comunicacion:CiTIUS_2024_gal.pptx |}}  | 
-| English   | {{ :centro:comunicacion:ppt_citius_1_slide.pptx |}}  |+| Spanish   | {{ :centro:comunicacion:CiTIUS_2024_esp.pptx |}}  | 
 +| English   | {{ :centro:comunicacion:CiTIUS_2024_eng.pptx |}}  | 
 +| English  | {{ :centro:comunicacion:ppt_citius_1_slide.pptx |}}  |
 ===== Presentation models ===== ===== Presentation models =====