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en:centro:comision-formacion:start [2024/02/15 12:54] maria.regueira.munizen:centro:comision-formacion:start [2024/02/15 13:02] (current) maria.regueira.muniz
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 This entry presents the CiTIUS Training and Professional Development Committee, which has the following functions: This entry presents the CiTIUS Training and Professional Development Committee, which has the following functions:
-  * **Plan the training activity of CiTIUS**, including the biennial update of its Training Plan.+  * **Plan the training activity of CiTIUS**, including the biennial update of its Training Plan.  {{ :es:centro:comision-formacion:programaformacion_2024-2025.pdf |Training Plan 2024-2025}}
   * **Advise CiTIUS predoctoral research staff** in the development of their training and/or professional career.   * **Advise CiTIUS predoctoral research staff** in the development of their training and/or professional career.