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hiperespectral:cva [2018/01/17 13:51] javier.lopez.fandinohiperespectral:cva [2018/01/17 13:52] (actual) javier.lopez.fandino
Liña 1: Liña 1:
 ===== GPU Framework for Change Detection of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images =====  ===== GPU Framework for Change Detection of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images ===== 
-Experimental results related to the paper [[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10766-017-0547-5|GPU Framework for Change Detection of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images]] published in the International Journal of Parallel Programing.+Experimental results related to the paper [[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10766-017-0547-5|GPU Framework for Change Detection of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images]] published in the International Journal of Parallel Programming.