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en:centro:start [2016/04/15 11:04] fernando.guillenen:centro:start [2023/03/23 14:10] (current) noel.pascual
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// 
 ====== Center ====== ====== Center ======
 Information about the center's facilities: meeting rooms, videoconference, printers and guest offices. Information about the center's facilities: meeting rooms, videoconference, printers and guest offices.
-**[[:centro:servizos|IT services]]**+**[[en:centro:servizos:start|IT services]]**
 IT services available to researchers, including storage solutions and backup, remote networking, web hosting and technical support. IT services available to researchers, including storage solutions and backup, remote networking, web hosting and technical support.
-**[[:centro:xestion_do_citius:start|CiTIUS management]]** //(only internal users)//+**[[en:centro:xestion_do_citius:start|CiTIUS management]]** //(only internal users)//
 Strategic plans, budget, regulations, management protocols and other documentation. Strategic plans, budget, regulations, management protocols and other documentation.
-**[[:centro:convocatorias_propias_del_citius:start|CiTIUS official calls]]**+**[[en:centro:convocatorias_propias_del_citius:start|CiTIUS official calls]]**
 CiTIUS funding calls. CiTIUS funding calls.
-**[[:centro:programas_publicos_de_ayudas:start|Public grants]]** //(only registered users)//+**[[en:centro:programas_publicos_de_ayudas:start|Public grants]]** //(only registered users)//
 Calls for project and human resources financing. Calls for project and human resources financing.
-**[[:centro:material_de_difusion:start|Dissemination material]]** //(only internal users)// 
-Presentations and other dissemination material.+**[[en:centro:comunicacion:start|Communication]]** 
 +Internal and external communication, dissemination material, professional branding, scientific profile management, open access, etc. 
 +**[[en:centro:comision-formacion:start|Training and Professional Development Committee]]** 
 +Internal committee responsible for planning the training activity and advising on the development of the training and/or professional career. 
 +**[[en:centro:igualdade:start|Equality Committee]]** 
 +Internal committee whose main objective is to ensure the principle of equality in all CiTIUS activities. 
 +**[[en:centro:persoal-colaborador:start|Collaborating Researcher]]** 
 +Information for the application process to join CiTIUS as Collaborating Researcher. 
 +**[[en:centro:vigilancia-tecnologica:start|Technological vigilance]]**  
 +Support service for the development of surveillance actions. 
 +Concepts related to the valorization and transfer of CiTIUS research results.
-Presentations, logos, wallpapers and other graphic material.