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en:centro:servizos:vpn:windows [2023/01/11 10:36] jorge.suarezen:centro:servizos:vpn:windows [2023/01/11 10:38] (current) jorge.suarez
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 ==== Connect and disconnect from the VPN ==== ==== Connect and disconnect from the VPN ====
-  - Run the program //OpenVPN GUI//{{ :centro:servizos:vpnwindows_01.png?nolink&250 |}} +  - Run the program //OpenVPN GUI//.
   - Once running, you'll find a new OpenVPN icon in the system tray. The red icon shows that you'r not connected.{{ :centro:servizos:vpnwindows_02.png?nolink&300 |}}   - Once running, you'll find a new OpenVPN icon in the system tray. The red icon shows that you'r not connected.{{ :centro:servizos:vpnwindows_02.png?nolink&300 |}}
   - To connect, right click the OpenVPN button, choose the network (usually **vpn-citius** but it may be different), and press //Connect//.{{ :centro:servizos:vpnwindows_03.png?nolink&300 |}}    - To connect, right click the OpenVPN button, choose the network (usually **vpn-citius** but it may be different), and press //Connect//.{{ :centro:servizos:vpnwindows_03.png?nolink&300 |}} 
   - A window to introduce your CITIUS credentials will pop up.{{ :centro:servizos:vpnwindows_04.png?nolink&500 |}}   - A window to introduce your CITIUS credentials will pop up.{{ :centro:servizos:vpnwindows_04.png?nolink&500 |}}
   - To disconnect, right click again the OpenVPN icon, choose the appropriate connection and press //Disconnect//:{{ :centro:servizos:vpnwindows_05.png?nolink&300 |}}   - To disconnect, right click again the OpenVPN icon, choose the appropriate connection and press //Disconnect//:{{ :centro:servizos:vpnwindows_05.png?nolink&300 |}}