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en:centro:servizos:proxy_web [2016/04/19 15:59] fernando.guillenen:centro:servizos:proxy_web [2024/04/17 14:06] (current) – [Registration in the service] jorge.suarez
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-====== Web proxy redirections ======+====== Web Redirects Reverse Proxy for WebApps ======
-===== Description =====+===== Service Description =====
-Web redirections by means of an reverse proxy that allow access from outer networks to applications installed in servers in the CITIUS internal network, like [[:centro:servizos:cloud|CloudStack]].+Web redirections using a reverse proxy that allow access from outside the center to applicationsin a test or production environment, that are installed on servers in the center'network, such as [[:centro:servizos:vps:start|in the VPS service]].
-===== Activation ===== +The service can be used by all users of the center by accessing [[https://redirections.citius.gal]]. Tickets are applied automatically in a few seconds, but are supervised by the center's technical staff.
-Each redirection must be requested filling the [[https://citius.usc.es/dashboard/enviar-incidencia| requests and problem reporting form]]. This form is only available to CITIUS users.+
-Don't forget to specify: +===== Redirect Types =====
- +
-  * The complete URL used to access from the CITIUS network. +
-  * The complete URL used to access from outer networks, which may be the same or different. +
-  * The domain name which can be chosen between ''demos.citius.usc.es'' and ''tec.citius.usc.es''+
-  * Whether access trough HTTP, HTTPS or both are needed.  +
-  * If any special feature is needed (big files, higher timeouts, SPDY, websockets, etc). +
-  * Expiration date ( one year extendable for virtual machines in cloud projects; **maximun of 6 non-extendable months** for any other case) +
-  * If monitoring by sysadmins is required (explained further down). +
- +
-You'll receive confirmation when everything is ok by email. When the expiration date is due, the administrators will get in touch with you again to check if the redirection has to be renewed or deleted. +
- +
-To see a list of your redirections you can check the[[https://apps.citius.usc.es/redirecciones/|redirections query page]]. +
- +
-You can use this example: +
- +
-<code> +
-Access URL fron inside the CITIUS: +
-Requested URL to access from outside the CITIUS: http://tec.citius.usc.es/exemplo +
-Type of access: HTTP e HTTPS +
-Special features: None +
-Expiration date: None +
-Monitoring: No/Yes +
-</code> +
- +
-===== Monitoring ===== +
-Monitoring allows the CITIUS sysadmins to be warned if any redirection is not working. +
-It is a simple request made to the URL to check whether it answers and if it does so without an HTTP error. +
-If the check fails, the requester of the redirection will be contacted as soon as possible.+
 +The service behaves in two different ways depending on the chosen redirection type:
 +   - WebApp Reverse Proxy: The public route will be "routed" through a reverse proxy towards a server that can normally only be accessed from the center's network. In this way, access to tools served from services such as VPS can be made public.
 +   - True Redirection: Clients who access the public URL will be redirected directly to the destination, without intermediaries. This way, links that change names or you want to direct to new places can be preserved.