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en:centro:servizos:gitlab [2018/05/24 14:08] – fernando.guillen | en:centro:servizos:gitlab [2018/05/24 17:32] (current) – fernando.guillen |
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- Install the ''git-lfs'' client, available in the ''git-lfs'' package in the CITIUS Ubuntu 14.04 or [[|here]] for other distros. | - Install the ''git-lfs'' client, available in the ''git-lfs'' package in the CITIUS Ubuntu 14.04 or [[|here]] for other distros. |
- No directorio do repositorio, iniciar o LFS: ''git lfs install'' | - Inside the repository directory install LFS: ''git lfs install'' |
- Indicar os arquivos que serán manexados co LFS (poden usarse comodíns): ''git lfs add <nowiki>"*.ova"</nowiki>'' | - Specify which files are going to be managed with LFS (wildcards can be used): ''git lfs add <nowiki>"*.ova"</nowiki>'' |
- Engadir os arquivos a commits, da forma habitual: ''git add file.ova; git commit -m "Added big file"'' | - Add the files to commits as usual: ''git add file.ova; git commit -m "Added big file"'' |
- O LFS só funciona a través de HTTPS, non de SSH. Se estás a utilizar o //remote// por SSH, tes que engadir tamén o de HTTPS con outro nome antes de facer //push//, por exemplo: ''git remote add origin-https <nowiki></nowiki>'' | - LFS only works using HTTPS, not SSH. If using //remote// through SSH, then HTTPS has to be added with a different name before doing //push//, for example: ''git remote add origin-https <nowiki></nowiki>'' |
- Por último, fai un //push// ó //remote// HTTPS: ''git push origin-https master'' | - Finally make a //push// to //remote// HTTPS: ''git push origin-https master'' |
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Para clonar o repositorio, tamén hai que facer pasos adicionais: | To clone the repository there are also additional steps: |
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- Facer o //clone// da maneira habitual por HTTPS: ''git clone <nowiki></nowiki>'' | - Do the //clone// as usual using HTTPS: ''git clone <nowiki></nowiki>'' |
- Cambiar ó directorio do repositorio e obter os arquivos do LFS: ''git lfs fetch'' | - Change the repository's directory and get the files from the LFS: ''git lfs fetch'' |
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===== Problemas e preguntas frecuentes ===== | ===== Problems and frequent questions ===== |
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==== Ó facer un push, recibo o seguinte erro: "error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 411" ==== | ==== When making a push the following error appears: "error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 411" ==== |
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Se recibes o ''HTTP code = 411'', precisas configurar o comando git para aumentar o tamaño do buffer HTTP: | If you see error ''HTTP code = 411'', you need to configure the git command to increase the HTTP buffer size: |
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<code>git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000 # permite ata 500MB</code> | <code>git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000 # permite ata 500MB</code> |
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Se recibes o ''HTTP code = 413'', é porque o push é demasiado grande. O servidor acepta push de ata 70MB por HTTP e calquera push maior dará ese erro. Se precisas facer pushes maiores, tes que usar SSH cun par de chaves en vez de HTTP. | If revciving ''HTTP code = 413'', it is because push is too big. Server accepts HTTP pushes to 70MB, more than that will produce an error. If you need to do bigger pushes you will have to use SSH with a pair of keys instead of HTTP. |
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==== Ó clonar o repositorio, recibo o seguinte erro: "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." ==== | ==== When cloning the repository I see the following error: "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." ==== |
| If the SSH key is correctly configured in the server but you have just created it and never tried to use it, then execute the following command to add it to the local authentication agent: |
Se tes a chave SSH correctamente configurada no servidor, acabas de creala e nunca a probaches, debes executar no teu equipo o seguinte comando para engadila ó axente de autenticación local: | |
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<code>ssh-add</code> | <code>ssh-add</code> |