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en:centro:igualdade:start [2023/02/10 09:47] maria.regueira.munizen:centro:igualdade:start [2023/02/10 13:15] (current) – [Membership] maria.regueira.muniz
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-====== Equality committee(english) ======+====== Equality Committee ======
-TODO.+The **main objective** of the  //CiTIUS Equality Committee// is to ensure the principle of equality in all CiTIUS activities and particularly in the following areas: 
 +  * Gender perspective in all phases of the research activity 
 +  * Staff selection and recruitment processes 
 +  * Career development and promotion 
 +  * Working conditions and co-responsible work-life balance 
 +  * Equality training 
 +  * Organisational culture of equality 
 +===== Members =====
 +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/paula-lopez-martinez|Paula López Martínez]], Coordinator and associated researcher
 +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/diego-cabello-ferrer|Diego Cabello Ferrer]], associated researcher
 +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/natalia-seoane-iglesias|Natalia Seoane Iglesias]], associated researcher
 +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/alvaro-ordonez-iglesias|Álvaro Ordóñez Iglesias]], collaborator researcher
 +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/cristina-carbajal-perez|Cristina Carbajal Pérez]], pre-doctoral researcher
 +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/marcos-fernandez-pichel|Marcos Fernández Pichel]], pre-doctoral researcher
 +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/maria-tenorio-miranda|María Tenorio Miranda]], Knowledge Management and Transfer unit technician
 +===== Equality plans =====
 +[[https://citius.gal/files/03a_Plan_de_Accion_Igualdad_Oportunidades_CiTIUS.pdf|CiTIUS Equal Opportunities Action Plan 2022-2023]]
 +[[https://dx.doi.org/10.15304/op.2021.1420|III Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities between women and men at USC 2021-2024]]
 +===== Language guides =====
 +The USC published a non-sexist language guide: [[https://www.usc.gal/export9/sites/webinstitucional/gl/servizos/oix/descargas/linguaxe_non_sexista_publicado_WEB_USC.pdf|Non-sexist language criteria]]
 +===== Balance =====
 +The USC promotes services to foster co-responsible conciliation and make work and family life compatible. These initiatives are aimed at the entire university community:
 +  * [[https://www.usc.gal/gl/servizos/unidades/escola-infantil-breogan|Breogán Infant School]], aimed at children aged 0-3 years. Its pedagogical line is based on affection, observation, experimentation and play through a comprehensive educational project.
 +  * Summer Campus, with a programme of sports and leisure activities aimed at children aged 4-17 during the last weeks of June, July and early September.
 +===== Pregnancy, childbirth and childcare leave =====
 +The USC has a series of paid leaves for pregnancy, birth, adoption or fostering of minors:
 +  * **Pregnancy leave** from the 1st day of the 37th week of pregnancy until childbirth. In multiple gestation from the 1st day of the 35th week.
 +  * **Maternity, adoption or foster care leave** of 22 weeks for childbirth, of which 6 weeks must be taken immediately following the birth on a full-time basis. The remaining 16 weeks may be taken at any time on a full-time or part-time basis during the baby's first year of life. They must be taken in blocks of at least 1 week, notifying 15 days in advance.
 +  * **Permission for the other parent due to birth, adoption or fostering** of 16 non-transferable weeks, of which 6 will necessarily be immediately after the birth and full-time. The remaining 10 weeks can be enjoyed at any time full or part time during the baby's first year of life. They must be taken in blocks of at least 1 week, notifying 15 days in advance.
 +  * **Breastfeeding leave** for a child under 12 months of age: 1 hour of absence from work, which may be divided into 2 fractions. It may be replaced by a leave that accumulates the corresponding time in full days or by a credit of hours to be taken at any time after maternity leave.
 +For any questions regarding permits, you can ask [[https://citius.gal/team/pilar-martinez-carou|Pilar Martínez Carou]] at the Secretariat.
 +===== USC Protocol on harassment =====
 +The USC has a Protocol for the prevention of and action against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, which can be consulted [[https://pro-assets-usc.azureedge.net/cdn/ff/8eGsG7virAcHO5027yrE70iJK9_mkc3YiJomc7uy6O4/1671785179/public/paragraphs/more_info_service/2022-12/Protocolo-antiacoso-aprobado-web.pdf|here]].
 +There is a [[https://sede.usc.es/sede/publica/catalogo/procedemento/98/ver.htm|procedure for reporting]] harassment and a [[https://sede.usc.es/formularios/solicitudes/denunciaAcoso.htm|complaint form]] through the USC website.
 +===== Contact =====
 +For any suggestions or queries, please contact any of the members of the CiTIUS Equality Commission.
 +The USC also has a [[https://www.usc.gal/es/servicios/area/igualdad|USC Gender Equality Office]]: 
 +  * Address: Pabellón Estudiantil, Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa, 4. Campus Vida, 15705 Santiago de Compostela
 +  * Phone number: 881 811 310, 881 811 309
 +  * E-mail: oix@usc.gal