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centro:en:persoal-colaborador:start [2021/09/13 16:12] – creado felix.diazcentro:en:persoal-colaborador:start [Unknown date] (actual) – eliminado - edición externa (Unknown date)
Liña 1: Liña 1:
-==== Collaborating Researcher ==== 
-Research personnel who collaborate regularly in a project or programme of the centre who will be assigned to the centre based on the criteria and procedures established for this purpose, which in any case will include a selection process supervised by the //Scientific Advisory Board//. 
-In the case of collaborating researchers from other institutions, //specific collaboration agreements may be established// 
-The scientific director of CiTIUS will assess and, where appropriate, will approve the applications to become a collaborating researcher of the centre. These applications will briefly state the most relevant scientific contributions and the candidate’s proposal for scientific collaboration with the centre.  
-The collaboration period will be two years, renewable after a favourable report from the scientific direction of CiTIUS. 
-The person benefiting from the status of CiTIUS collaborating researcher must obtain, if applicable, all the authorizations required to perform his/her activity as such from the organizations with which he/she has an employment and/or professional relationship. The collaboration with the CiTIUS does not imply any type of employment relationship with the USC. 
-CiTIUS director may assign to the collaborating personnel a work space in the centre, as well as provide access to its equipment and scientific-technical infrastructures, with the aim of facilitating the development of their scientific collaboration with CiTIUS. 
-CiTIUS collaborating personnel may make public use of this condition and may reflect it, with prior authorization from CiTIUS director, in their scientific contributions, without prejudice to the fact that they may also do so with other organisations, namely those with which they have a work and/or professional relationship. 
-Form to apply to join CiTIUS as collaborating researcher: 
-^ Galician ^ English ^ 
-| {{ :centro:persoal-colaborador:expresion_interese_colaborador_citius_ga.doc | Galician Form}} | {{ :centro:persoal-colaborador:expresion_interese_colaborador_citius_en.doc | English Form}} |